about me.
aspiring software engineer/data scientist looking for internship in the Philippines and abroad.
Full-stack responsive web app incorporating Spotify Web API. Implements Spotify OAuth through a Node server to get user's songs and playlists. Displays user's most listened songs and artists, recommending similar songs and able to search through millions of songs, with each having a unique dynamically generated page with song information and analysis
Made using: Vue.js - REST API - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - Python
Phillipine Stock Exchange Terminal
Django website using Philippine Stock Exchange API and scraped financial data. Company information is scraped from Marketwatch using BeautifulSoup. Main Page has a filter search to allows for user to type in the company ticker to get relevant up to date information. It also integrates the tradingview chart.
Made using: Django - Python - HTML - CSS - Javascript
academic work.
Comprehensive Analysis of NBA Team Performance through Logistic and Linear Regression and Random Forest Classifier for Predictive Modeling
Used: Jupyter - Python - Numpy - Matplotlib
Implementing a variant of BF Scheduler in xv6
Xv6 is an educational operating system inspired by Unix, developed at MIT. As part of our coursework, we were required to enhance the xv6 scheduler by integrating a skiplist data structure and incorporating virtual deadlines to determine scheduling priorities. This involved modifying kernel-level code to introduce custom system calls, including the creation of a new fork function and a schedlog function aimed at printing detailed information about all running processes.
Used: C - x86
Let me know if you have any questions.